Conference, 6-9 November, 2019, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
January 20th: call is announced
May 15th: deadline for abstracts
June 15th: Decisions regarding selection of abstracts
September 1st: registration
September 15th: the full program is announced
October 9th: Deadline for submission of full papers
General call for papers – specific calls under each Sub-theme
Growth in international migration has prompted a diversity of efforts to manage global migratory flows as well as improve and streamline the economic, social and political integration of migrants into the host countries. Migration and integration today involve a myriad of actors such as international and regional bodies, state agencies and municipalities, companies, interest groups, community-embedded, civil society organizations as well as individuals, including migrants, who design, implement reproduce, participate in, and replicate individual or collaborative initiatives aimed at facilitating migration and integration. Some efforts are planned and involve years of preparation and the engagement of large coalition of actors; others are ephemeral and ad hoc, emerging from one day to the next only to disappear again quickly. Some efforts aim at facilitating transnational migration others at improving migrants’ health, at supporting migrants’ inclusion into the host countries’ education system or the labour market, at preventing radicalization, or securing migrants’ civic, social and legal inclusion in the new country. From a coordination and organizing perspective, this myriad of actors and activities separated in time and space poses not only far-reaching challenges, but also great opportunities.
These challenges and opportunities demand novel and critical research and interdisciplinary approaches from a range of disciplines, such as anthropology, educational sciences, health sciences, information technology, international studies, law and human rights, management and organization studies, migration studies, political science, social work and sociology. This to rethink how migration shapes and produces inclusion and exclusion around the world – from welfare states in the Global North to the states of the Global South.
The School of Business, Economics and Law, together with the Centre on Global Migration at the University of Gothenburg, therefore invites scholars from many disciplines and all parts of the globe to the Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies Conference, 6–9 November, 2019, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Health, risk, and resilience: Transcending the biological, the psychological, the social, and the structural in migration and integration
Josephine T. V. Greenbrook
Health is more than pulse and blood pressure; it transcends the biological, the psychological, the social, and the structural. Health, in all its existential complexity, is fundamental to the enjoyment of all human rights. Due to the syndemic nature of migration, substantial impacts on health can occur through exposure to cumulative risk factors relating to disparity, structural violence, and social condition. Migrating populations have largely suffered interpersonal and structural trauma, such as having been exposed to conflicts of war and extreme poverty, having lost family and close relations, and having suffered bodily harm, sexual violence, and torture, as well as oppression, neglect, and maltreatment. Beyond other social vulnerabilities, harsh living circumstances involved in pre, during, and post-migration, also contribute to a number of health-related issues in all those affected. Notwithstanding this, substantial barriers in seeking health care exist for migrants, and discrimination, neglect, and prejudicial attitudes amongst health care practitioners have been reported. Clinicians have also been found to struggle with a variety of difficulties, ethical dilemmas, and other conflicts in transcultural health care encounters. Cultural stigma, low health literacy, and low healthcare utilization amongst migrant populations further compound existing problems.
This stream aims to highlight health as it relates to migration, as well as the fundamental role of health in integration. The objective is to present empirical research and critical academic debate exploring risk and resilience in migrant health and transcultural care, in theory, policy, and practice. We warmly welcome contributions from a wide variety of disciplines, as well as multi-disciplinary work.
This will include, and is not limited to, topics covering:
• The foundational role of health in integration
• Upholding health as a human right in the context of migration
• Migration and healthcare barriers
• Migrant health rights and health equity in applied settings
• Syndemics and migration
• Health and intersectionality in relation to migration
• Mental health and belonging in migration and integration
• Clinical and organisational challenges to care delivery
• Transcultural health care encounters
• Ethical considerations related to transcultural care provision
• Community health engagement
• NGO and other outreach practices
• Other related topics